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Python • Raspberry Pi pill dispenser using servos 30

L'm new to py coding.

So if you and help a upload the py and html file as a zip would help

I'm using https://chat.openai.com/ to make code for my pill dispenser
I add the html as a zip

I the to button one to add pills schedule and the button to view the schedule
then I will the then code add 30 servos. servos will bins for pill. one servos = one set pill.


from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_forimport RPi.GPIO as GPIOimport timeimport threadingimport sqlite3from datetime import datetimeapp = Flask(__name__)# GPIO pin numbers connected to servo motorsservo_pins = [17, 18, 27, 22]  # Adjust pin numbers according to your setup# Initialize GPIOdef setup():    GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)    for pin in servo_pins:        GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)# Function to set servo angledef set_angle(pin, angle):    pwm = GPIO.PWM(pin, 50)    pwm.start(0)    duty = angle / 18 + 2    GPIO.output(pin, True)    pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(duty)    time.sleep(1)    GPIO.output(pin, False)    pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(0)    pwm.stop()# Function to dispense pill from a specific bindef dispense_pill(bin_number):    # Calculate servo angle based on bin_number    angle = bin_number * 10    set_angle(servo_pins[bin_number], angle)# Function to initialize SQLite databasedef initialize_database():    conn = sqlite3.connect('pill_dispenser.db')    c = conn.cursor()    c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pills                 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, schedule TEXT, bin_number INTEGER)''')    conn.commit()    conn.close()# Function to add a new pill to the databasedef add_pill_to_db(name, schedule, bin_number):    conn = sqlite3.connect('pill_dispenser.db')    c = conn.cursor()    c.execute("INSERT INTO pills (name, schedule, bin_number) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (name, schedule, bin_number))    conn.commit()    conn.close()# Function to retrieve all pills from the databasedef get_all_pills():    conn = sqlite3.connect('pill_dispenser.db')    c = conn.cursor()    c.execute("SELECT * FROM pills")    pills = c.fetchall()    conn.close()    return pills# Function to delete a pill from the databasedef delete_pill_from_db(pill_id):    conn = sqlite3.connect('pill_dispenser.db')    c = conn.cursor()    c.execute("DELETE FROM pills WHERE id=?", (pill_id,))    conn.commit()    conn.close()# Function to get pill info by ID from the databasedef get_pill_by_id(pill_id):    conn = sqlite3.connect('pill_dispenser.db')    c = conn.cursor()    c.execute("SELECT * FROM pills WHERE id=?", (pill_id,))    pill = c.fetchone()    conn.close()    return pill# Function to dispense pills based on scheduledef automatic_dispense():    while True:        current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M")        pills = get_all_pills()        for pill in pills:            pill_id, _, schedule, bin_number = pill            if current_time == schedule:                dispense_pill(bin_number)  # Dispense pill from corresponding bin                time.sleep(60)  # Avoid dispensing multiple pills at the same time        time.sleep(10)  # Check every 10 seconds# Home page@app.route('/')def index():    pills = get_all_pills()    return render_template('index.html', pills=pills)# Route for adding a new pill@app.route('/add_pill', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def add_pill():    if request.method == 'POST':        name = request.form['name']        schedule = request.form['schedule']        bin_number = int(request.form['bin_number'])        add_pill_to_db(name, schedule, bin_number)        return redirect(url_for('index'))    else:        return render_template('add_pill.html')# Route for deleting a pill@app.route('/delete_pill/<int:pill_id>', methods=['POST'])def delete_pill(pill_id):    delete_pill_from_db(pill_id)    return redirect(url_for('index'))# Route for viewing the schedule of a pill@app.route('/view_schedule/<int:pill_id>')def view_schedule(pill_id):    pill = get_pill_by_id(pill_id)  # Retrieve pill information by ID    if pill:        name = pill[1]  # Get the name of the pill        schedule = pill[2]  # Assuming pill[2] contains the schedule in your database        return render_template('view_schedule.html', name=name, schedule=schedule)    else:        return 'Schedule not found'  # Handle case where pill is not found# Route to render add_pill.html@app.route('/add_pill.html')def add_pill_page():    return render_template('add_pill.html')if __name__ == '__main__':    initialize_database()    setup()        # Start automatic scheduling thread    auto_thread = threading.Thread(target=automatic_dispense)    auto_thread.daemon = True    auto_thread.start()        try:        app.run(debug=True, host='')  # Run Flask app    except KeyboardInterrupt:        GPIO.cleanup()

Statistics: Posted by bob5731 — Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:13 am

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