I'm in new territory here, using thagrol's nas guide to get started. He mentions a few options related to squashing, terse man-page style, but I don't yet understand the implications. Ten minutes of web browsing gives me the impressions that making this work would either be a BAD thing or complicated:
Allowing root access over NFS is bad. Mainly because it's possible for remote users to gain access outside the exported directory and they can do untold damage to the server's system and other user's files (inside or outside the export).
That said, if you trust every user who has sudo rights on every computer that can access the NFS server then go ahead.
But if you do, don't just put
/some/directory *(rw,no_root_squash)
Arguably, the correct fix is to identify why you need to access the server as root and to stop doing so.
Ultimately, though, it's up to you. If you understand and accept the risks go ahead with no_root_squash.
FWIW, I'm currently only using no_root_squash when I'm using NFS for network booted Pi.
Statistics: Posted by thagrol — Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:23 pm