The way Debian works, it won't be upgraded until the OS does. testing and unstable Debian only have Kate 24.08.2-5, while the current tag for the project is 24.12.0.
Kate in Raspberry Pi OS is 22.12.3 from January 2023, or "amazingly recent" in Debian terms.
You could try building it: Building Kate from Sources on Linux. I've found that KDE apps tend to be extremely chatty under anything but KDE's own desktop
Kate in Raspberry Pi OS is 22.12.3 from January 2023, or "amazingly recent" in Debian terms.
You could try building it: Building Kate from Sources on Linux. I've found that KDE apps tend to be extremely chatty under anything but KDE's own desktop
Statistics: Posted by scruss — Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:49 pm