Seames like you are make a brewing system, it is funny because I am also making one.The PID will require some amount of tuning on a "day to day" basis regardless as the system reacts completely different depending on the ambient conditions, grain temperature coming in, grain moisture coming in and the type of grain as well as the burner temperature.
If you can get the PID to work somewhat decently, I have come to find that it can hold the temperature well especially if you have a recirculation system that homogenizes the temperature, on the first runs it might require some tuning of the K values, but once you get that then it shouldn’t really require tuning.
And if you want to bring it up a notch you could implement a Mamdani control, which works better on nonlinear systems which have unprecise models.
For whatever you need I am willing to trying and help.
Statistics: Posted by MolobA — Tue Oct 22, 2024 4:46 am