Windows 10/11 works on top of UEFI. There are test/prototype/beta/half-finished implementations of UEFI for several hobby/cheap SBC's like RPi. So you need to join/ask people who do the porting of EDK2 code to Pi. Note that that is BSD license, so you might not get/see the things you want without paying some large sums of money.hello,
which C/C++ compiler feat. which gpio libs for Raspberry 4 with Windows 10/ARM can be recommended?
Especially to switch gpios on/off/pwm and to use i2c and spi device drivers like e.g. wiringPi or pigpio provide for Raspberry Linux? Perhaps based on Visual C/C++ compiler ?
Anyone experienced ?
But first start reading about UEFI, see Sounds like fun right, that Microsoftware, what you think?
You can join, let us know when you are able to blink an LED from Win10 on your Pi4.
Statistics: Posted by redvli — Mon Oct 21, 2024 6:37 am