Hi pidd,Channel 149 is a safe channel because it doesn't require DFS nor TPC in Brazil and most other countries so that is good.
The router's version number or serial number should have something that indicates what country it is configured for.
Linux has had mistakes in the country wireless settings in the past and RPiOS appears to be the only common factor as you are using two Pi's and two completely different routers.
You could cheat a little bit and set the Pi's wireless country to GB just for test purposes, that would test if it is a country configuration problem in the OS.
My router about screen:
About this router
Informações básicas
Nome do produto HUAWEI WiFi AX2S
Número de série WLBQU23525003084
Versão do hardwareVER.A
Versão do software2.1.0.220(SP1C947)
Versão do HarmonyOS3.0.3
Tempo de conexão5 dias 6 horas 48 minutos
Tempo de atividade5 dias 6 horas 49 minutos
Endereço MAC da WAN
Endereço MAC da LAN
Velocidade Porta WAN1 Gbps
Endereço IP da WAN192.168.0.3
Endereço IP da LAN10.1.1.1
Gateway padrão192.168.0.1
Servidor DNS
I could not find any country info.
But you are pointing the right target.
According to your previus comments, about 1 hour ago i set up country to US and I am happy to say: ISSUE SOLVED.
Now I can see 5g WiFis, mine and the neighbors WiFis.
This means that the router is US, and also means that Ubuntu is US too.
Now I'll contact router support. If no solution, now I know what to do
Thank for your smart and constructive comments,
Statistics: Posted by curyjorge98 — Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:54 am