The error here is not what you, nor thagrol, think.If I start the service from systemctl or a reboot nothing is written even if I run as root.
systemctl status givesI'm way out of my depth here, I think I'll just have to run the service as root and stop worrying about why 'pi' doesn't work.Code:
pi@piRadioZ:~ $ systemctl status piRadio.service× piRadio.service - piRadio Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/piRadio.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2024-10-03 20:06:07 BST; 32s ago Duration: 124ms Process: 789 ExecStartPre=ls -l /dev/gpio* >/tmp/piRadio.log (code=exited, status=2) CPU: 24msOct 03 20:06:07 piRadioZ systemd[1]: Started piRadio.service - piRadio.Oct 03 20:06:07 piRadioZ ls[789]: ls: cannot access '/dev/gpio*': No such file or directoryOct 03 20:06:07 piRadioZ ls[789]: ls: cannot access '>/tmp/piRadio.log': No such file or directoryOct 03 20:06:07 piRadioZ systemd[1]: piRadio.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=2/IN>Oct 03 20:06:07 piRadioZ systemd[1]: piRadio.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
The command line you are using is shell (it uses globbing ("*") and redirection (">")) that systemd will NOT perform for you.
So the ls here is literally looking for a file called "/dev/gpio*" and a file called ">/tmp/piRadio.log". Put all that in a shell script, e.g.
#!/bin/shls -l /dev/gpio* >/tmp/piRadio.log
Statistics: Posted by warthog618 — Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:22 am