Thanks. I need to get out of the IDE straight-jacket. It's fine for blinking LEDs but becomes a handicap in more serious work.
I've followed the excellent guide to setting up cmake to the point of getting a hello_world elf and UF2.
Now I'm trying to build what I have in IDE which uses EarlHower's excellent rp2040-pico. I find I'm having to add a lot of individual includes which suggests I'm doing it wrongly.
can you put me straight?
I've followed the excellent guide to setting up cmake to the point of getting a hello_world elf and UF2.
Now I'm trying to build what I have in IDE which uses EarlHower's excellent rp2040-pico. I find I'm having to add a lot of individual includes which suggests I'm doing it wrongly.
Statistics: Posted by pie_face — Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:34 am