I am using a servo hat to power the pi and the servos. I'm inputting about 9v into the hat which is suppose to run the pi and the servos. I'm using a LM2596 Multi Channel Switching Power Supply 3.3V/5V/12V/ADJ Adjustable Voltage Output Power Supply Module and I'm using 9v adj for the servo hat which is only suppose to send 5v to the pi, 5v for the hc-sr04 with the voltage divider to bring down the echo pin to 3.3v. The battery I am using is a 22.5v 1500mah lipo. I am also using 9v to power the motors which is produced by 3 18650 batteries with a lm2596 buck converter.Was this powered by battery?
How are you converting the battery voltage to 5V for the Pi?
Statistics: Posted by Rok1330 — Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:58 pm