Latest: given the changes to the script as given above, it works fully when I run it manually under sh (ie, dash), but run under "at", it does the copy of the splash, but doesn't do (or fails on) the update-initramfs. Still puzzled!
Here's the entire latest script.
Here's the entire latest script.
# script to check if a custom splash image has been over-written, # if so, it restores it AND updates the initramfs so that# the custom image appears during both shutdown and bootWRKDIR=/usr/share/plymouth/themes/pixif [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing parameter for the custom splash image, i.e. /home/pi/mysplash.png" exit 1else MYSPLASH=$1ficd $WRKDIRif cmp --silent splash.png $MYSPLASH > /dev/null 2>&1 then # equal echo never mind, splash is OKelse # not equal sudo cp -p $MYSPLASH splash.png sudo update-initramfs -ufiexit 0
Statistics: Posted by tinker2much — Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:47 pm