MQTT results are in ...
The good news is that adding MQTT to the Pico wasn't particularly hard. I used this guide from Random Nerd Tutorials and managed to bash things into shape. I used their 'simple' library and that worked for me.
And, even better news, it all worked. All packets received and verified as we'd like, and it even handled multiple packets up to 100 KB without a memory error on the Pico.
So maybe MQTT is the solution, though I would still favour a pure TCP approach if that can be made to work. I suppose I need to test that now.
But at least I can tick "using MQTT to send to and receive from a Pico W" off my list of adventures to do
The good news is that adding MQTT to the Pico wasn't particularly hard. I used this guide from Random Nerd Tutorials and managed to bash things into shape. I used their 'simple' library and that worked for me.
And, even better news, it all worked. All packets received and verified as we'd like, and it even handled multiple packets up to 100 KB without a memory error on the Pico.
So maybe MQTT is the solution, though I would still favour a pure TCP approach if that can be made to work. I suppose I need to test that now.
But at least I can tick "using MQTT to send to and receive from a Pico W" off my list of adventures to do
Statistics: Posted by hippy — Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:40 pm