I finally got the time to follow the above advice and now have sway working. Thank you so much for the advice. Two questions.i recommend making a script and putting it in /boot so after you log in you just run the script.Thank you for your speedy reply. It will take me a little while to understand and action your suggestions but I will let you know as soon as.
like ./boot/install:the last step in raspi-config you need to enable cli autologin, it'll reboot after that.Code:
#!/bin/shsudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgradesudo apt -y install sway xwayland rpi-firefox-mods firefox thunar mousepad xdg-user-dirs gldriver-testxdg-user-dirs-updatemkdir -p ~/.config/swaycp /etc/sway/config ~/.config/sway/echo "[ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] && exec sway" >> ~/.profilesudo raspi-config
once in win key + enter for term, win key + d for applications.
i'm on a lite + sway install if you need more help after that. i haven't really installed to much yet.
In the above screenshot, what is the window on the right?
Win+D gives me a list of all programs in the top title bar. Is there a way of making a custom list so that I don't have to scroll through all programs.?
Statistics: Posted by Duggieb — Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:47 pm